The middle of 60's in Cambridge, UK. The young guitarist used to spend his free afternoons with face glued to the local music store's window. Maybe the owner would let him enter more often, if he just knew who this boy is going to be for the history of rock?
Times were hard, people simply couldn't afford an electric guitar. Especially the Fender Stratocaster, which was The Reason.
The Reason why the young guitarist spent so many hours window shopping and hoping that the guy in the shop will let him hold the Stratocaster. Not even play. Just touch and feel The Absolute.
The Young Guitarist is David Gilmour of Pink Floyd, and this is his story.

There are millions and millions of guitars now.
Some are well threaten, some are forgotten.
Some are just tools and others are muses.
Most of them are loved though.
Polished Guitars is born of my passion to old vintage guitars.
Like many luthiers and musicians, I also have strong confidence that older guitars are more than just stories they hide.
First of all vintage guitars are made of materials and wood that are hard or impossible to find nowadays.
Vintage guitars don’t loose their features! Oppositely! While ageing, guitars start to look and sound better.
There are many extraordinary guitars in the world.
We track them, help them to get back to the shape and make them perfect extension of emotions you want to convey.
Our Services
The best in its class. Cheaper but vintage and extraordinary Guitars. Polished of course!
The core of our activity: guitars from the best years, series and factories. Legendary instruments that raised from ashes to kick some asses again.
Tell me about your dream guitar! We’ll find it, track it and bring it to you for free 14 days of test drive.

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